Book Review for Tamer Animals by Justin M. Woodward

When you pick up a book by a new-to-you author that you’ve seen floating around on social media that’s getting good reviews, and, once you get past the gorgeous cover, you see one of your favorite authors James Newman, has written the foreword. You’re sold. You then know you’re holding something special, something golden.

Tamer Animals is a great coming-of-age story about a group of high school boys. They know there is no way their parents would let them take off alone on a camping trip near the Coheelee Creek Covered Bridge, so they make plans to have their parents believe they’re going on a church trip. It’s quite the scheme, and it leaves them without anyone knowing where they’ve actually gone.

The area surrounding Coheelee Creek Covered Bridge is rumored to be haunted. Local legend says that a goat farmer had been hanged from a tree many years ago. Sightings of a bizarre beast have been reported. Surely something half-human and half-goat isn’t really lurking in the woods…is it?

They could feel themselves being watched pretty much from the time they got to their campsite. Then, one of them disappeared… This camping trip was supposed to be a good time to get away and relax, let loose, and smoke some weed, but it’s been anything but a good time. It’s turned into a horrific experience that keeps getting worse and worse.

This was one hell of a camping trip.

Justin Woodward wastes no time bringing in the creepiness. He took me to the woods, along with these boys, and he didn’t let up with the intensity.


As someone who spends a lot of time in the woods and camping (and my house is surrounded by woods), Tamer Animals has me looking over my shoulder more than usual. I don’t want to meet up with the Goatman…again.

This will easily be one of the best books I read this year.

Five out of five stars.